Parasites in humans: symptoms and treatment

CRUI e A crvi, which ziveat to the nous of the loeto, jivotnie and rasteniya. In Russia there are about 70 Vidovi parasites that Mauger Yes se prenest in a razlichni of the project (direct contact, vodata, and Pochta prek or prek Adee to Sagadin hrana). Meutia, if YOU are make the joint to the abdomen, To a Key-posituve Licata, hygiene, imaat-the right to medicine line and that oslobodi from the NIV.

The types of parasites

Vidovi parasites

In the choveshkata body Mauger To Privee of the razlichni vidove of crvi. And that oslobodi of the NIV, the Wii requires that you know how to see the need to se spreci:

  • Roundworm;
  • Pinworms;
  • Giardia;
  • Svii and goveda capni;
  • Toxocara;
  • Tenia is a wide;
  • For Echinococcus.

Roundworm – zaednicki views choveshkata of parasites in the body. Dolina at the vozrasni DAB dostigne 40 cm vlie in a Little to create a a decat and a vozraste. Infekcija by the egg parasite predizvicite bolest ascariasis.

Pinworms – Eden view circle of parasites that shto is in honor of AJ decata parade ignoriruet the pravilata of personal hygiene. Pinworms enterobiasis predizvici bolest.

Giardia , e parasite with CE New up to 20% of the od decata tseliot light again, and AJ vozraste. In Pogodina oblast CE delovi on cravotto, Ratko the moniot MEUR in the crdit drob, and calcite Canali. Crvi predissolve the explosion of giardiasis.

Svii and goveda capni – two-Vidovi of the parasites, I slicni. Tie CE spisani crvi, which, Vlahovic at the choveshkata body of the Adee to the zarazeni jivotni meso. Dolina at the pig tenia Mauger To stigne 3 of the measure, and the BFI – 10 metric. In tikot to sogrevaet of the helminth is izlese with the feces.

Toxocara e A round DAB with priyaa on grupata of the Ascaris. It's the spaces in prek the Ac CE New at ismett in jivotnie, and e-mail in the costab, To, go, proceed swoot razva wet in the middle of it. Dolina at the vozrasni DAB dostigne 30 cm Crvi predizvici bolest toxocariasis.

A wide tenia e parasite like living in a choveshkata body Nadal. Maksimalnom life's age on the parasites, is 25 years of age, and maksimalnoe frametree is 10 metric. I, and the larve will make choveshkata the body in the coresteel the loss of termici of the obrabotany FISH, crayfish, and caviar.

Echinococcus is a parasite tape-what a look. That vlie on the vatreshnite General description: crdit drob and is made of white grabovi, pomalku ochite, monocot, and srceto. Negovata Dolina is a Small, in itself, is a 8 mm head. In the pocitnice fazi at the bolesta CE development Malka, or voopsto NEMA simptomi.

The modes of infection.

The beginning of infectia

On the other zastita od parasites in the need to know how to cetiri nacestid methods of infectia the Hours of crvi:

  • The prek vodata, and Pochta;
  • The prek neposredan contact;
  • The prek consumere of kontaminirana Grana od zhivotenko in the oven;
  • Casnovia an insecti.

Geohelminths (roundworm, Toxocara) CE prinesut of the prek vodata, and the Pachuta, ARMS, Sadri Ac. The document will do Little to create the Adee unwashed Grana or Sagadin water. Vnutrennost of taloto, DAB developing and Xie lie, the New Ana, which zaedno with the faeces padna in ocolina, and that paawat of the other person. Funkcia geohelminthoses, e CHILDREN tie moat, and that paawat lueta with prodoran ideas are at the bottom of kogata on the nozet (posebno podsekin and the Suva of the skin).

A lot of chesta of a new method of infectia, how much for direct contact. Yes, The stanat the inficirani of the home, Milanezi, in organizmi, that the ASPIRATION Vee located in, with crvi. In tikot of the game, zaednicki activity, or a cancer risk of contact with the Kochia, or Macka Hours of crvi CE povrsinama on the Costa, To the naplese in the kowechka of the skin, as the results of infectia the teleto.

Upotrebata of surovi, or a bad obrabotany meso Mauger To predizvici polnee bioeliminable (s westwo od the middle of the field). In an apartment in the temple, rizik od infection, it is waiting for moznost contact with the choveshkata body creuna infectia, coat of ARMS, isto Taka, singing the theme to Mora da se Bori.

Infectia in the prek casnovia an insecti CE roethke. Sepak, the document Mauger Yes se prenese of the loeto Ledneva Vidovi of bolesti: kantarias of myiasis, scoleciasis.

Decat CE izlozeni the helminth infekcia the poveet vozrasni person. The egg is the satoa in the rd imat in active contact with the nadvoresna the middle and weak in the imunology system. SO, children up to 6 years of age, is under the Golem of Zakan of infectia. 4-5 years of recisi screen in December with the zarazeni with crvi.


Symptoms of helminthiasis

Parasitica doaat in the razlichni halamine — the microscopsy to nekolku of the metric in the Dolina. Razlichni, and the newnote ivelisse in the choveshkata the body of the crdit factions to be created, Musculine, ITN. And in the poker of the vaquita acne razlika, when inficirani the organizmu CE manifester with a voobchem simptomi to the parasitary an accident, vkluchay:

  • Openest;
  • Allergies;
  • Namalowane of Telesat Tiina;
  • Temperatureto CE golemi;
  • Anemia;
  • Trevni Narusova;
  • Promeni in the hrana preferences;
  • Cesae about the anusat.

Parasites in vremeto of the nivniot stomach and Mauger Yes se presledovat toxin, which otrov on the choveshkata to the body. Znaci to the pianta MOB: glavobolja, Gadea, on the promen of appetite, slabost, and raskazivat.

It is a kojata Mauger To ukazovat the prisustvo of the parasites. When A infestations Mauger To the bidat Lednice simptomi: Osip, akni rosacea, urticaria. If you alergica reakcia Bechet diagnostician to paawat parasites of Mauger To predizvici Vlasova in pasadenaca on infectia: otokoc the loznicata, and bronchospasm, and others.

Mamalove at Telesat masa is a very poitrast AJ decata. If you have to an appetite deteto Mauger Yes se gubat Telesat tejina. The development of the karakterisere the prisustvo in taloto on the helminthiasis. Temperatureto of taloto in the new, slusa does not Mauger To Nadine 37.5. degree celsiuses degree.

Simptomi of anemia: pale skin, slabost, ortografico. The egg e Eden od prvite of znati to infectia, with crvi. The parasites granee on Vitaminy, nadete of the elementi, which, Vlahovic, in the coleccion organizam zaedno with the Granata. Tie Key unisti Crveni Crveni cells and predizvici anemia.

The parasites have a negative Vliet to the digestinit funkcia in the rezultira in the analiziranih trevni Narusova. The honor of prolivy, baked, Bolek, in stonecot, Poduene glavnica simptomi to the parasitary to the press.

Some Vidovi of the parasites (e.g., Echinococcus) predizvici galbi on the acineta, salty, and pusele hrana.

Uste Eden to the chest from the prisustvo of the CRUI e cesae about the anusat. With a bit of a Solneve for prisustvo of the parasitary infection, need to go to kontaktirate of Wasit drugs celona a check-up.

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If you are neko reluctant CHILDREN negovoto body, Bechet located in the crvi, you need to se avete in Parasitologia infection-bolesti. In the aunite clinic, a regular medical doctor is not. In negovo odsustvo, than need to se odnesuva a gastroenterologist.

On the other diagnosticare, with the help of the parasites, the night of the subject is required To look testovi:

  • Kruta;
  • Cala;
  • The instrumentalna ispytyvaet.

Pressostato of crvi Vliet structurata in the EOC. IT laboratorista Services Mauger Yes se otkrije of the state of the eosinophils cells is that Pripyat in the grupata of the leukocytes. Tie them the help of a lacharite To the Key-identifikovat patologia, the shto to infectia, and the Medical care of the key. However, prior to the da se stavi in the konechnaja to diagnose, take you to the Holy soundboard taquita cells have to work, and Alergia. On the other utvrdi give choveshkata body is a parasites, singing the theme to be a need to go put on the other, testovi.

You would't traslate singing the theme to the show to give Badrinath a helminth Ass. The health analyzer CE e dodelin screen potentialy in the pazienti, non escluso, if you are reluctant to prisustvo of crvi in taloto.

Some Vidovi of parasites (as a shto se Echinococcus) in the CE population of the Organismo dovecot. On the other diagnosticar a newnote prisustvo, the night of the subject is required To vrsi important ispit will gradate in with the x-traci, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, ultrasound of the pregledu in abdominalny area. If there is a positive resultatet night on the topic of asking for'ah Ithna interventsia.

Tretman of the parasites

Bolesta Mauger Yes se tretira with anthelmintic medicine line in the zavisnost od patientt, sostoa, and the views crvi in taloto. Sepak, a lot of the NIV imaat of contraindicatii, and nesamani effects. Satoa in the zavisnost od patientt, tretment regimen put pojedinacno.

For the adverb parawave the propisuju Ledneva methods lacouvee:

  • Medicine line;
  • Narodnata;
  • Ishrana.

These methods Mauger Yes se koristi otdelno (CACO prevencia), and in the aggregate (for a maximum effect in tretment).

Medicine line

Popularna droga of crvi CE napraveno in the form of a tablet. However, a isto Taka postout, and the suspenzia, and rectal suppositories. Suspeita e bovee namenet for decata, which is not moat, and that the Waka correctament provolt, or tablet. Suppositories imaat minimalni nesamani effects, but nivnata efikasnost it is not one hundred procenti. If you crvi repeated outside a debelata Crewe, rectal suppository nem da VI help.


The Rules Hrana

And that oslobodi of health care in the pressing of the adverb, if the zaedno the medicine line, and it's old. Odredjene Vidovi on the hrana create nepovolena of crvi environment with That in the rd imaat tendencia To Guo napusti of taloto.

The sheet for the production of the rastenia against crvi:

  • The bow;
  • Agodi;
  • Kasia AMI;
  • SOK od Mature dies with no hemikalii;
  • Suroviny carrots and Samia;
  • Suseni lemon koskie;
  • Semki od Tikva, and the lubenica.

In the tretment se koristi droga, it is important for You to sledat the right ishrana. Hrana ingredients Must To sink a lot of protein.

In order To win the vklucheno in the ahranta the mlecni manufac – fermenters liver in milk, surutka, ogurt. Tie sogreat a protein in the eyeliner on a crdit drob and go to the odstranuju equivalent to That of the masonite cells. Don't zaboravite about vlakno deal. It has a positive effect on the VRZ sistemot gastrointestinali tract. Sadri in owase, Zelenchuk, Loeb is the result of a trici.

Stetni made in prisustvo of crvi:

  • Slatki;
  • Gitanes;
  • Compare;
  • Found;
  • Testenine.

In the tretmant of the parasitary the pressing need to bidat the iskluchenie Losi skills: alkoholna Pilati and Tutun. Tie striat of substancei, in the unisti the vitamin a group, and the amino kiseline.

Narodni medicine line

Tradicionalne medicine you there in a swoot Arsenal, a lot of rastenia (onions, chromed, Pieper, Semko od Tikva), which is efikasno combats crvi. Dobrite napopolam the recepti: NEMA nesamani effects, imat anti-Alergia, anti-inflamatory and detoxifying svoistva.

Hem, the tips of the recepti od tradicionalne medicine.

Know anthelmintic plants, an tansy. VERB e sestavena americna of the oil of tansy, and the component thujone, which imaat paralytic effect VRZ health care of the press. Invent nedovolen effect VRZ ascarids, and pinworms. The beginning of the training course: dodelete vrela a Cup of water, 1 lazica tansy rastenia, togas of the filter. The method of the aplikacia: Yes, CE pie of the use of the drug for 3 person per day in a 1 tbsp for 30 minutes, prior to the annual membership fee.

Regular Pelin Uste of the antickite uremia, ASPIRATION koristi against crvi. The rastenyte CE koristi against Giardia, ascarids, and tapeworms. Trevita CE padgate, alcohol use, lekota. Desirae: 20 kapky tincture of alcohol to 3 pati/day, a 30 minuti pred Adee.


Granati in golemi barbi parasites. It is p od komponenti, who sing the theme to be a slobodova pacientu are tapeworms and roundworms. The start of the training: melee at the core of the Kalinka and pilak in 750 ml of water. Starting to be used here is the Amount within ninety (90) minuti in three of the dozy ml to 250 ml. In the egg of time, the nisht is ZebraNet. After 4 hours, the posledniot peat laxative pilula.

In the lucot CE IsAlive and americna oil. Tie imaat to anthelmintic effect. To invent, the Bori, and the circle of crvi. Starting from the it is used: ASPIRATION ade Edna karamfil on the bow the next morning, poledne, and for a special night out.

Eden efikasan Lek e-mail , may on the orevi. The fruitful Sadri aktivni of substancei, BACK to the Normalizer metabolite Procesi. May vraa of a gastrointestinalny the gi tract and has a beneficial effect on the tiroidna Glenda. Preparation: this is a government with votka, in the propor — 5 celata Lupino orevi, and 200 grams of votka. Neka pielak for a Eden the. Preference: Edna larocca sekoe in the morning, before Podoc.

Against parasitemia key odlicna Narodni medicine line to isto Taka clomid, kopriva, karamfil, chichak, globare , and other rastenia. The active praktikuma enemas (for example, the anti pinworms). But is It necessary that the napomene CHILDREN tradicionalna the methods of the lacunae and the ASPIRATION powee preventivni the osnovnie.

Prior to trestman in the popularni methods consultarte CE with the Wasit to the medication.


Prevencia of crvi, potatura posituve in Licata, hygiene, Tamano Mae Zelenchuk, and the ovolo. Prior to the Adee meso, ADEA, vye asked To bidete Sigourney It As a pominal of termici tretman.

Navigacia of the solani and suseni care Must to the Key preispita svoice galbi. These produce a vkluchaut check out the crvi which the CE opasni to human health and the zivotot dovecot. In the prisustvo home Mihanici, and an honor to connect with Niamh, Ednas in the north half of the period, or Edna godina, it is necessary To se vrsi to profilakse of helminth infection, and if you inficirani — lacunae.